Serving precise and professional white paper writing services

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Content is what the search engines use to fulfil user intent.

-Dave Davies

Concise & winning white paper content

WriteUp aims to provide credible and legitimate white paper content that specifically highlights your brand's authority and build loyalty with your customers

Compelling white papers - Your conversion catalyst

Our compelling white paper content can become the best lead magnet to drive conversion for you. Use white paper to serve as a persuasive collateral in the sales process.

Industry-led approach

While writing high-quality white paper content, our writers delve into industry-specific challenges to redirect them to solutions your brand provides.

Ordering WriteUp’s White Paper writing
services is an easy process.

Create a new project

Click on ‘Create a new project’ on the dashboard and select the ‘White paper’ option from the ‘Academic Writing’ category.

Be specific about details

To access WriteUp’s white paper writing services, answer a few questions about product features, company insights, citations, case studies, outlines, structure, etc on WriteUp’s guided workflow

Our white paper experts are your best partners

White paper writing experts are selected based on your industry and their availability. You can review the credentials of the writers to be assured of their expertise and choose accordingly.

Verify details & make payment, por fovor!

Once you’ve filled in all your details, verify them on the summary page and make the payment. You can choose to pay in full or in instalments as well. Multiple discounts are applicable.
That’s it! You can track the progress of your content in real-time and collaborate with the team through the dashboard. Once finished, review and make necessary changes in the white paper with the help of the team. You can also download the plagiarism and AI-detection reports from the editor page.


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A white paper is a formal and authoritative document that provides detailed information, analysis and recommendations on a specific topic, problem, or issue. They’re usually used in business, government and academia to present a detailed understanding of a subject, thereby proposing solutions or strategies. Their relevance is evident enough from the usage in contexts of information dissemination, policy and advocacy matters in government, and decision making processes in companies today.

White paper content research is a complex process. It involves defining the topic, identifying reliable resources, conducting a literature review, summarising key findings, and noticing research gaps. The writer is required to focus on using reputable resources like academic journals and government reports to create a comprehensive, authoritative and detailed document on a specific subject.

The standard length of white paper is usually between 2500-3000 words.

WriteUp presents you with a questionnaire to answer questions about the purpose, format, target audience, length, topic, references and other details about the white paper. Once you share all these details, our writers take a deep dive into the content and research about the topic. Once the research is complete, our writers use their skills to craft your white paper. You’ll be involved in the process at every step of the way.

Yes, WriteUp provides plagiarism-free white paper content services. Moreover, WriteUp also provides you with an option to check the plagiarism for yourself. Our in-built editor gives you access to check plagiarism on the content.

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