Invoke your brand’s flavour with fresh insights using our FMCG content writing services.

Get Started

Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) category has always been the sector with high ad-spend anywhere in the region of Rs 8,000-10,000 crore, according to industry estimates.

Igniting FMCG frenzy in social media

When consumers encounter your content on social media, we want them to pause, engage and share, instead of just scrolling away. Turn your brand into the go-to source for the latest in FMCG with our consumer goods content writing services. Let us turn your consumers into brand advocates!

Inspiring sustainability, one word at a time

At WriteUp, we cultivate a philosophy of sustainability that reflects the aspirations of the modern consumer, by ensuring our content aligns with eco-friendly principles and planet-benefitting choices. Let us be your sustainability partners to nurture a greener world!

Punctual delivery like your FMCG goods

We understand that your campaigns, just like your products, have a schedule to adhere to. Our content not only informs, but also arrives when it should, ready to amplify your campaign messages, and to keep your brand consistently visible to your consumers.

Types of FMCG content
that WriteUp offers

  • Product Descriptions
  • Promotional Campaigns
  • Social Media Posts
  • Email Marketing
  • Website Product Listings
  • Blog Posts
  • Video Content
  • Recipes and Cooking Tips
  • Health and Safety Information
  • Consumer Surveys
  • In-Store Signage
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Supply Chain and Distribution
  • Brand Storytelling
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • New Product Launches

Order FMCG content services just like you order food.

Create a new project

Once you land up on the dashboard, create a new project and select your desired category.

Answer the questionnaire

The guided workflow within WriteUp includes a series of inquiries regarding the content objectives, format, word count, intended readership, industry relevance, subject matter, and references. Please respond to these questions with precision.

Await the algorithm's wizardry!

WriteUp’s algorithm automatically assembles article writers suited best to your requirements in the workflow. However, you can choose your favourite writers as well.

Verify details, make payment & relax!

Once you’ve filled in all your details, verify them on the summary page and make the payment. You can choose to pay in full or in instalments as well. Multiple discounts are applicable.
That’s it! Following content creation, thorough checks ensure plagiarism-free, AI-free articles. Our versatile dashboard provides real-time project tracking and enables expert collaboration. You can easily make edits and download reports using the integrated editor.


Content projects delivered


Faster turnaround times


Clients have already used WriteUp


original content

The Passion
What people are


Yes, you can request revisions if you’re not satisfied with the content. You can speak to the writers and mention necessary changes.

Yes, you can see samples of our past projects here.

WriteUp offers consumer surveys, product descriptions, marketing campaigns and much more. You just need to mention your demands.

Our writers do a thorough research about your brand’s voice and style. They collaborate with your team to understand each and every aspect of your brand guide.

Industries include food and beverages, personal care and cosmetics, household products, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, tobacco products, apparel and footwear, consumer electronics, toys and games, and pet care products. We write content for every industry.

Shall we add spices to your FMCG content now?